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Hi! I'm Mya, an award-winning young naturalist, aspiring presenter, and writer.


I love to share my passion for the natural world via social media, articles, and videos. I'm particularly determined to create opportunities for young people from all backgrounds to connect with nature.

Mya Bambrick holding Leica binoculars

My love of wildlife has created many opportunities for me to connect with different audiences, through various media outlets. I write regularly for the Guardian's Country Diary, have appeared on BBC radio stations across the country, created films for 'Self-Isolating Bird Club' and '8 out of 10 Bats,' featured on ITV Meridian and BBC South East News, and starred in the Guardian and Jessica Bishopp documentary 'Skyward.'

Awards include the British Trust for Ornithology and Marsh Charitable Trust 'Young Ornithologist of the Year 2023' and Sussex Wildlife Trust's 'David Streeter Award 2020.'

If you'd like to work together, please don't hesitate to get in touch via:

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